怪咖小镇 第一季(2016) Freaktown/怪胎镇

更新:2020-01-12 11:01:30
年份: 2016  / 地区: 加拿大 
类型:动画  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:6.4分
导演:Peter Ricq Chris Labonte 
演员:Lynn Carol Robinson 兰登·诺里斯 Cory Doran 朱莉·勒米厄 Matt Baram 
语言:英语  / 片长:
怪咖小镇 第一季剧情介绍

怪咖小镇 第一季是一部动画片,Freaktown is the place where it is cool to be a ghoul and best friends Ben Bones and Lenny aim to keep it that way. But Princes Boo Boo is intent on turning Freaktown into a place so sweet it'll make you barf rainbows.

Freaktown is the place where it is cool to be a ghoul and best friends Ben Bones and Lenny aim to keep it that way. But Princes Boo Boo is intent on turning Freaktown into a place so sweet it'll make you barf rainbows.

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