Hendrik is ziek(2009) /Hendrik is sick

更新:2019-09-20 08:09:31
年份: 2009  / 地区: 比利時 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
导演:Koen De Jonghe 
演员:Dolores Bouckaert Tom De Hoog Dimi Duquennoy 
语言:Flemish  / 片长:
Hendrik is ziek剧情介绍

Hendrik is ziek是一部片,Hendrik is sick. Nobody knows what he has. He’s in the hospital, wrapped up like a mummy. All they know is, his days are counted. His last wish is to die at peace in his birth house. They take him there.

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