友情以上(2019) Friend Zone ระวัง..สิ้นสุดทางเพื่อน/去吧!女神兵团(港) / 限时好友(台) / Friend Zone


友情以上是一部喜剧,爱情片,潘(奈哈·西贡索邦 Naphat Siangsomboon 饰)和琴(平采娜·乐维瑟派布恩 Pimchanok Leuwisetpaibul 饰)已经做了十多年的朋友了,曾经,他们亦有机会将这段友情升华成为爱情,然而,面对潘的表白,琴一口回绝,她认为两人还是更适合做朋友。   于是,潘和琴成为了世界上最亲密的朋友。每当潘和他的女朋友们分手时,琴都会陪伴在潘的身边帮助他度过失恋期。而琴失联的时候,无论潘在世界的哪个角落,他也都会来到琴的身边。潘和琴的友谊是如此的坚定,甚至导致琴的男友泰德(杰森·杨 Jason Young 饰)大吃飞醋。一天,琴忽然问潘有没有想过如果有一天他们真的走到一起会怎样,对于他们来说,这会是另一段美好感情的开始,又或是终结呢?

In this world, there are many people who seem to be wandering along a relationship border-lining 'friends' and 'lovers'. This borderline is also commonly known as the FRIEND ZONE. It is a special area for those who are stuck in the middle where they cannot really stay friends with their close friends, nor move forward to be their friends' lovers. Palm (Naphat Siangsomboon) is one of those who has been stuck in the friend zone with his best friend, Gink (Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul), for 10 years. During high school, he tried to cross the line by confessing his feelings for her. But Gink simply rejected him, saying that "being friends is good enough." Since then, Palm and Gink have grown closer as true best friends. Every time Palm breaks up with any of his countless girlfriends, Gink will tell him off, talking some sense into him. And every time Gink fights with her boyfriend, no matter where she happens to be in Myanmar, Malaysia, or Hong Kong. All she has to do is make a call to Palm, ...

一句话评论:目测这部泰国片会爆:每一对恋人未满的男女都有难言之隐。泰版《我可能不会爱你》,会成为新一部“亚洲爆款”吗?。为什么不说爱你?。看过《友情以上》女友:泰德才是真正的备胎,琴夜生活不和谐。《友情以上》口碑失利不是三观不正,而是缺乏创意。此去经年,万般风情与君说。《友情以上》:一首歌曲,两杯扎啤,四个“舔狗”,九国相随,十年守候。友情以上|恋人未满。因为小水而看的《友情以上》。Escape from the friend zone。
