忍者秘帖 梟の城(1963)/Ninja hicho fukuro no shiro

更新:2019-05-11 03:05:57
年份: 1963  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7.2分
演员:大友柳太朗 大木実 高千穂ひづる 本間千代子 戸上城太郎 
语言:日语  / 片长:
忍者秘帖 梟の城剧情介绍

忍者秘帖 梟の城是一部剧情片,恋も友情もなく、闇に生まれて死んでいく忍者をリアルに捉えて“忍者ブーム”を巻き起こした、司馬遼太郎の直木賞受賞作を映画化!   暗殺指令を受け、豊臣秀吉の命を執拗につけ狙う伊賀忍者・重蔵を中心に、そのスリル溢れる戦術、女忍者との許されぬ恋、忍者の世界から抜けようとする親友・石川五右衛門との苦悩の対決などが、息つく暇もなく展開する忍者風雲録!   大友柳太朗、大木実をはじめベテラン揃いのキャスト陣を、映像の仕掛け人・工藤栄一がダイナミックに演出した大型時代劇。

This is a classic early Japanese Ninja movie. The Iga ninjas are a dying breed as Toyotomis rule allows Japan to experience some peace. Juzo, an Iga ninja who had vowed revenge for the death of his family, is hired by a rich weapons merchant to assassinate Toyotomi, restarting his quest for blood. In his way are rival ninja, and his once best friend who has decided to become a government vassal. The main plot centers around the conflicts that confront Juzo. The largest of these is the conflict between Juzo and his oldest friend, Gohei. Then there is the conflict each of these characters has with their respective women, whom are also Ninja in their own right. Finally Juzo is faced with the ultimate conflict between duty and happiness. Can he complete his mission of assassinating Toyotomi? Or will he choose a life of happiness and fulfillment with his woman? There was a remake of this classic in 1999 entitled Owl's Castle, but for people that have seen both versions, this first version,...

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