他是她, 她是他(2017) L'un dans l'autre/爱爱后当机(台) / In & Out

他是她, 她是他剧情介绍

他是她, 她是他是一部喜剧片,一次偶然的机会,Pierre和Pénélope身体互换了。   有着完美娇妻又儿女双全的Pierre和等着领养孩子的Pénélope会遇到怎样的状况呢?

Two couples, Pierre and Aimée, Éric and Pénélope, all share four years of friendship without cloud. Only concern, Penelope and Pierre have become lovers - The situation becoming untenable, they decide to break. But after a final night of passionate love, fate plays a trick on them: Peter and Penelope each wake up in the body of the other. To protect their secrecy, they each find themselves having to live the life of the other. This is the beginning of the complications.


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