稍息立正我爱你(2017) 稍息立正我愛你/稍息女与立正男 / Attention, love! / Attention Love 520

更新:2024-01-21 04:01:45
年份: 2017  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:喜剧 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.1分 / IMDB:7.2分
演员:曾之乔 邱胜翊 郭书瑶 王以纶 简廷芮 徐诣帆 陈珮骐 许光汉 曲献平 高振鹏 白静宜 吴子霏 沈昶宏 柯佳嬿 蓝心湄 王道南 邱凯伟 柯淑勤 章立衡 谢坤达 郎祖筠 
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:


A boy and a girl were destined to be together since birth. A long time ago, two best friends each had a child. One named his son Li-Zheng, which means "attention," and the other named his daughter Shao-Xi, which means "at ease" in military terminology. The two kids grew up to embody their names, with Li-Zheng being diligent and paying extra attention to everything he wants to achieve in life and Shao-Xi being more laid back and lazy in her approach to life and school. When Li-Zheng returns to Taiwan after growing up in Japan, he meets Shao-Xi for the first time in high school. Despite their polar opposite personalities, the strong pull of their fates bring them together. Can they each adapt to be with each other or will the strong forces of life keep the two apart?

一句话评论:为什么我要给剧情老套尴尬的这部戏四星?。【新剧推荐】鼓起勇气,说爱你。Close To You。这剧除了更高清一些,和十年前的台剧比,毫无进步。也就男二的真实年龄符合剧中人物吧??。不会忘记我们的约定吧。都是黄天仁导演的戏,反差好大。姐妹我们又可以在台剧里谈恋爱了!。关于暗恋 太真实又太心酸的事。那份小心翼翼的喜欢。小清新的甜剧。
