美丽坏姐妹(2005) Pretty Persuasion/美丽坏宝贝 / 诱人的证词


美丽坏姐妹是一部剧情,喜剧片,15岁的女孩金伯莉(埃文•蕾切尔•伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)集美貌与智慧于一身,演技出众,才华横溢,她是贵族学校里最耀眼的一颗明星。只是,金伯莉却生活在一个冷漠的世界里。家庭虽然富有,父母却一早离异,父亲是个不折不扣的瘾君子,母亲甚至连她的名字也记不牢,而继母更是一个白痴的“花瓶”。学校里也是充满了尔虞我诈,金伯莉的男友换了一波又一波,却从来没有找到一个真心对待自己的男生。直到有一天,金伯莉的男友听信谗言骂她“荡妇”后又和她的唯一一个女友布兰妮(伊莉莎白•哈诺伊斯 Elisabeth Harnois 饰)勾搭上了,金伯莉终于忍无可忍,于是,一场复仇交响曲在她的指挥下奏响了。

Manipulative high school sophomore Kimberly Joyce leads her friends Brittany Wells and Randa Azzouni in bringing charges of sexual assault against Percy Anderson, their English and drama teacher at an exclusive private school in Beverly Hills. Meanwhile, local reporter Emily Klein, originally assigned to do an insignificant piece on the school, hopes that the scandal will launch her into celebrity in the television news business, while Kimberly's bigoted father, Hank, is concerned primarily with the effect that his daughter's accusations may have on his business.

一句话评论:转· · · “不到最后一分钟,你永远会恨金伯莉”。生活不应该像电影。很漂亮。悲伤,逆流成河。Balance of life。不到最后一分钟,你永远会恨金伯莉。超级高智的编剧。诱人的证词——心机婊的一滴眼泪。~~。【完全剧透警告】heavily underrated。
