逃亡(1944) To Have and Have Not/江湖侠侣 / 取舍之间 / 奇奔妙逃 / 有的和没有的

更新:2024-01-20 07:01:41
年份: 1944  / 地区: 美国 
类型:喜剧 爱情 冒险  / 豆瓣:7.7分 / IMDB:8.0分
演员:亨弗莱·鲍嘉 劳伦·白考尔 沃尔特·布伦南 
语言:英语  / 片长:100

逃亡是一部喜剧,爱情,冒险片,劳伦·巴考尔初登银幕跟当时红透半边天的汉弗莱·鲍嘉共结片缘的代表作,后来二人假戏真做变成夫妻。本片的风格近似《北非谍影》,以二战为背景。原著小说是海明威作品中较弱的一部,由另一著名小说家威廉·福克纳参与编剧。但导演霍华德·霍克斯把他拍得相当风趣幽默,并将浪漫爱情与紧张的冒险气氛一炉共冶,全片对白精警,男女主角的对手 戏碰撞出迷人的火花,成为一部具有魅力的娱乐杰作。   鲍嘉饰演一艘专门接待游客海钓的游艇船主,本来生活优越。后来前往旅馆收账时遇到神秘性感的女扒手巴考尔,顿时心猿意马。在一连串事件发生之后,鲍嘉决定冒险将巴考尔和法国地下分子运送到美国去……

Harry Morgan and his alcoholic sidekick, Eddie, are based on the island of Martinique and crew a boat available for hire. However, since the second world war is happening around them business is not what it could be and after a customer who owes them a large sum fails to pay they are forced against their better judgment to violate their preferred neutrality and to take a job for the resistance transporting a fugitive on the run from the Nazis to Martinique. Through all this runs the stormy relationship between Morgan and Marie "Slim" Browning, a resistance sympathizer and the sassy singer in the club where Morgan spends most of his days.

一句话评论:Walter Brennan。《有的和没有的》电影剧本。好似没有讲完的故事。你有被死蜜蜂蛰过么。“逃亡”幕后花絮:莫兰原定女主角;19岁白考尔首部电影。鲍嘉的电影生涯。Quit worrying, kid.。

逃亡 To Have and Have Not (1944) 江湖俠侶
逃亡 To Have and Have Not eng.srt
逃亡 To Have and Have Not.srt
逃亡 To Have and Have Not (1944) 江湖俠侶