某一天(2017) 어느날/我的天使 / 多爱你一天 / One Day / My Angel / 마이엔젤

更新:2024-01-21 02:01:07
年份: 2017  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:剧情 奇幻  / 豆瓣:6.4分 / IMDB:6.5分
演员:金南佶 千禹熙 盛骏 金正贤 林华映 白桑熙 全余琳 郑顺元 李美素 
语言:韩语  / 片长:118

某一天是一部剧情,奇幻片,因為妻子過世而沉浸在哀傷中的保險業務員李江洙(金南佶飾),接下後輩的車禍理賠業務來到醫院探訪被車撞成植物人的被保險人微笑(千玗嬉飾),發現她沒有家人只有朋友,但好友不願意簽下和解書,所以讓保險公司感到壓力。 在醫院處理案件的李江洙,卻突然看到了微笑的靈魂出現。本來嚇得逃跑的他漸漸了解微笑過去可憐的身世,而決定幫助她完成遺願。除了替她找到生母之外,另一個微笑心中的小小願望,究竟是否能實現呢?

Insurance examiner Gang-Soo (Kim Nam-Gil) falls into a deep depression in the wake of the death of his beloved wife. As he returns to work, he takes on the case of Mi-So (Chun Woo-Hee) whom is laying in a coma in the hospital. Gang-Soo meets a woman there who introduce herself as Mi-So, and it turns out that he is the only one capable of seeing her. It turns out that Mi-So has been in a terrible car accident and while her body is deep in a coma, her spirit is roaming free. And Mi-So has something that she needs Gang-Soo to do for her.

一句话评论:某一天,明媚的悲伤与残酷的温柔。每隔一段时间就拿出开看一遍,一是因为两位主题,二是这是部适合一个人看的电影,我喜欢一个人看电影,因为你可以不用顾虑身边一同观影的朋友的感受而专心的看进去,融入故事其中。。??? ???'?? ???????? ??。say you'll remember me。撕心裂肺/浑浑噩噩的那段时光!失去了至亲至爱之人。强买强卖的韩式煽情,并没有达到触动人心的悲伤。没有什么事情比遗忘更悲伤。嗯。日落那一幕很唯美。
