业务部长 吉良奈津子(2016) 営業部長 吉良奈津子/营业部长吉良奈津子

更新:2021-08-26 02:08:03
年份: 2016  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 家庭  / 豆瓣:6.5分 / IMDB:6.6分
演员:松岛菜菜子 松田龙平 内藤大湖 冈田义德 中村安奈 足立梨花 白洲迅 高木渉 伊藤步 板尾创路 松原智惠子 石丸干二 原田泰造 
语言:日语  / 片长:
业务部长 吉良奈津子剧情介绍

业务部长 吉良奈津子是一部剧情,家庭片,已到不惑之年的吉良奈津子(松岛菜菜子 饰)曾是广告代理公司东邦公告的王牌策划人,当初她的事业不仅蒸蒸日上,其强硬霸道的作风也令下属忌惮三分。偶然机缘她邂逅了现在的丈夫(原田泰造 饰),于是走入婚姻殿堂,相夫教子,度过了三年的妊娠期和护理假期。心系事业的奈津子如期回归,然而却没能回到之前的岗位,而是被公司安排到营业部担任部长。抱着一股不服输的劲头,她咬紧牙关全力冲刺。在此过程中,与新下属、旧同事的矛盾不可避免发生。与此同时,奈津子也无法完美把握公司和家庭之间的平衡。   不久之后,奈津子便陷入了内忧外患的境地……

Career woman Kira Natsuko was a successful creative director at an advertising agency. However, she got married just before 40, had a child and took maternity leave. Three years later, she returns to the workplace. However, the situation has drastically changed and Takagi Keisuke is now the creative director. The agency is in a slump and there is employee turnover. Natsuko is assigned not to the creative department, but to the sales department against her wishes. She has to face a series of issues that erupt as she struggles to juggle both work and her family. Not wanting to get the help of her mother-in-law, she hires a babysitter. But the babysitter's presence ends up causing her happy family to drift apart. At the company, her confidence is shattered and she gets frustrated. Before long, she and her husband become estranged and she faces a crisis at home too.


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