二哥(1959) にあんちゃん/哥哥 / 次弟 / My Second Brother

更新:2019-08-06 02:08:59
年份: 1959  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:6.9分 / IMDB:7.1分
演员:长门裕之 吉行和子 二谷英明 松尾嘉代 北林谷荣 小泽昭一 西村晃 殿山泰司 芦田伸介 浜村淳 穗积隆信 加原武门 贺原夏子 高木均 高原骏雄 高山千草 辻伊万里 山冈久乃 大泷秀治 
语言:日语  / 片长:101

二哥是一部剧情片,昭和二十八年(1953),战后的日本山河凋敝,百业待兴。佐贺煤矿区的底层百姓生活困苦,安本家的顶梁柱父亲不幸去世,留下两对儿女喜一(长门裕之 饰)、良子(松尾嘉代 饰)、高一(冲村武 饰)、末子(前田晓子 饰)无人照看。20岁的喜一外出做工,但稀薄的工资不足以承担一家人的日常开销。为了生存,喜一将高一和末子托付给好心的边见叔叔(殿山泰司 饰)抚养,自己则和妹妹良子前往长崎打工。四兄妹就此分离,而煤矿上的生活也越来越艰难……   本片根据10岁女童安本末子的日记改编,并荣获1960年蓝丝带最佳男演员和最佳男配角奖。

Being a faithful 'company man', Yoshikawa moves steadily ahead within the Toho corporation. But Kaji, his old friend, makes his way through the dark side of the social world, working for a power broker who is plotting to take over Toho. Yoshikawa is given an order to investigate the company's information leakage that is seriously devaluing its stock price. In the course of the investigation, he happens to reunite with Kaji, and notices that his beloved Akiko, the only daughter of Toho's president, as well as a major share holder of the company, is in love with Kaji. For Yoshikawa, who is counting on a marriage with her that would secure his career and wealth, Kaji turns out to be an obstacle on his future path.


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Shohei Imamura - 1960 - Nianchan AKA My Second Brother 1.46 GB