伤(2008) Kids/超感应

更新:2024-01-21 02:01:25
年份: 2008  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 奇幻  / 豆瓣:6.9分 / IMDB:6.9分
演员:小池彻平 玉木宏 栗山千明 泉谷茂 斋藤由贵 
语言:日语  / 片长:109

伤是一部剧情,奇幻片,一座偏僻的小镇,一间冷清的酒吧,冗长无奇的生活因为一个人的到来而改变。   朝人(小池徹平饰)搬家来此的第一天,就在酒吧里结识了车间修理员武雄(玉木宏饰)和服务生志穗(栗山千明饰),并和他们成为好朋友。让武雄和志穗惊讶的是,朝人竟与生具有超能力,能把人身上的伤任意转移。   看到武雄和志穗身上的旧伤后,朝人毫不犹豫地把伤口都转嫁到自己身上。之后,朝人不顾武雄的劝阻,把援手伸向越来越多的人。事实上,朝人自己从小就开始背负着不为人知的伤口,至今未曾愈合,造成伤口的不是别人,正是朝人的生母……

Asato (Koike Teppei) is a young man who returns to a slummy neighbourhood (referred to as 'The Street') to be near his Mum who is in prison. He is like the Empath in Star Trek, able to transfer other people's injuries and is unable to walk past a child with a grazed knee or broken arm without helping them. He is protected from street thugs by Takeo (Hiroshi Tamaki), another troubled young man who is a street thug and who has issues involving his father who is lying in a coma in hospital. The third member of their group is a young waitress, Shihi (Chiaki Kuriyama), who has her own secret.

