迷宫(2010) Strapped/

更新:2023-03-25 02:03:27
年份: 2010  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 爱情 同性  / 豆瓣:7.3分 / IMDB:6.8分
演员:Benjamin Bonenfant Nick Frangione 阿特姆·米申 Michael Carlisi Paul Gerrior Carlo D'Amore Katherine Celio 迈克尔·克林格 拉法埃尔·巴尔克 Sharon Camhi John Kiernan Mia Paschal Don Seaver Michael Vega 
语言:英语  / 片长:95

迷宫是一部剧情,爱情,同性片,一个迷路男妓被困在陌生大楼,仿佛置身扑朔的迷宫。在寻找出口的过程中,他遇到了各式各样的人:第一次体验同性爱的初哥,嗜毒成瘾的前度男友,背着妻子鬼混的伪直男,看透世情的年迈退伍军人,以及命中注定的爱……每一个邂逅就像一个印章,最终帮他领到走出大楼的通行证。   事实上,男妓迷失的并非地理方位而是内心。大楼就像繁华世界的缩影,它充塞着不同的人,发生着不同的事,每个懵彷徨不安的灵魂都在寻找心灵的归宿。尽管本片只是一部小成本电影,但细腻的情感描写和蕴含的深刻寓意却历久弥新。

A routine trick at a man's apartment propels a cynical hustler into a series of strange and life-changing encounters in this stunningly photographed drama from San Francisco-based Joseph Graham. Tall and lanky with a mop of unruly dark hair, the young man makes for an attractive prostitute - handsome in body, amiable in personality and efficient in sex. He's just out to make a buck, one guy at a time. But this coldly efficient rent boy begins to look at himself in a different way one stormy night when he finds himself lost in a maze-like apartment building. The evening begins with a tryst with a beefy but timid man unused to gay sex. Their "session" becomes surprisingly tender for both. But time is money, and he's off - that is, he'd be off if he could find the exit. His unexpected odyssey leads him to a series of encounters: there is one with a "straight" guy with issues; a cocaine-fueled queen who thinks he knows him; an older man, hidden away in a leaky attic apartment who assists him on his journey; and a lonely young man who thinks he's finally found a connection with someone. Sex is the commonality, but out of that commodity comes raw, unguarded emotions for all, even for the hustler. Sad, funny, sexy and touching, Strapped is an unforgettable look into one young man's moving journey to understanding

一句话评论:我想我懂得。不安的旅程(杂而乱地侃一侃)。做出一条爱之路。就这么简单。Find the EXIT of heart。不要问我是谁,也别要求我一成不变。百转千回,总有一个出口。【简介】迷宫/Strapped。STRAPPED, a movie tells us……。略显可惜,对演员,对app,对现状。
