空幻之屋(2004) Poirot: The Hollow/大侦探波罗第9季之空幻之屋 / 大侦探波洛第9季之空谷幽魂


While spending the weekend at his cottage outside London, Hercule Poirot is invited to dinner by Sir Henry and Lady Angkatell. Leaving immediately after dinner, he returns the next day to find that a weekend guest, John Christo, has been shot dead. There is any number of suspects: his former lover, Veronica Cray whom he had not seen for 12 years but suddenly turned up at a nearby cottage; his wife, Gerda who was deeply hurt by his womanizing; his current mistress Henrietta Savernake; Midge Hardcastle, who was very much in love with him, but whom he constantly ignored; and Edward Angkatell, who was in love with Midge. What Poirot finds however is that the evidence equally implicates everyone just a little too equally for it all to be just by chance.

一句话评论:end in hollow。沉睡的力量。脑补一下Henrietta的复杂心情。天平两端。男权社会压迫女性的缩影。以爱之名。看似热闹的空幻庄园仿佛吸走了所有人的鲜活状态。心太大了。阿加莎里面,不算出彩,疑点较多。格尔达 :我的爱让我的聪明 失了明。

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