龙的世界(1994) Dragonworld/魔幻神龙

更新:2023-03-25 01:03:43
年份: 1994  / 地区: 美国 
类型:奇幻 冒险  / 豆瓣:7.9分 / IMDB:5.5分
导演:特德 尼古劳 
演员:Courtland Mead 珍妮特·亨弗瑞 Stuart Campbell 安德鲁·克尔 莉拉·凯 阿拉斯塔尔·麦肯泽 布里特妮·波威尔 John Calvin Jim Dunk Sue Douglas 约翰·伍德温 Marioara Stelian 瓦伦丁·波佩斯库 Cameron Stuart Claudiu Istodor 
语言:英语  / 片长:86

龙的世界是一部奇幻,冒险片,此片为1994年奇幻/冒险电影,与2004年伪纪录片《龙的世界:幻想已成现实》https://movie.douban.com/subject/1441313/ 有别,标记时请注意区分。

Young John McGowan travels to Scotland to live at his grandfather's castle after he loses his parents in a traffic accident. At the wishing tree he conjures up a dragon friend, Yowler. They grow up together, and one day documentary film maker Bob Armstrong and his daughter Beth stumble upon Yowler. Hungry for fame (and money), Bob convinces John to "rent" Yowler to local unscrupulous businessman Lester McIntyre. John is convinced in part by the offer to have the outstanding taxes on the castle paid off, partly because of his growing interest in Beth. Yowler is miserable in the new theme park built for him, and when it becomes clear that McIntyre has tricked them in order to exploit the dragon, John and his new friends take action.

