风流3壮士(1998) 風流3壯士/风流三壮士

更新:2024-01-21 02:01:18
年份: 1998  / 地区: 中国香港 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:5.0分 / IMDB:5.6分
演员:雷宇扬 吴志雄 黎耀祥 黎姿 伍咏薇 高飞 
语言:粤语   英语  / 片长:92

风流3壮士是一部喜剧片,吴立德(雷宇扬 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大少爷,一天,父亲忽然告诉他,其实他们家外强中干,已经濒临了破产的边缘,父亲委托吴立德前往菲律宾向他的旧情人莉莉安求援,就这样,吴立德带着自己的两个死党新马祥和阿保踏上了旅途。   让吴立德没有想到的是,自己竟然在菲律宾邂逅了同父异母的妹妹乔伊,而阿保则被乔伊的表妹阿雅勾去了魂,只有新马祥一直隐瞒着自己的性取向,默默的爱着阿保。一番波折之后,三个男人的感情生活都发生了天翻地覆的变化,吴立德震惊的发现乔伊是双性人,而阿保也在误打误撞之下和新马祥发生了肉体关系,三个男人将会何去何从呢?

Master Tak is a sex-crazed womanizer who lives a lavish lifestyle based on his father's money. One day, Tak's dad tells him that he is about to run out of money. He tells Tak that the only way out is for him to go to the Philippines and ask for a bailout from his ex-mistress Lilian, whom he abandoned years before. She now lives in luxury with her son Joe, Tak's half-brother. Along with his two sidekicks, a Viagra-popping S & M fetishist (Fit Man) and his gay personal assistant (Lai Lo-Cheung) they arrive in the Philippines, switch around their identities, and move into Lillian's mansion where he falls for her "daughter" (who turns out in fact to be Joe). Complicating matters are a host of internationally mixed crazy servants.
