橙色岁月(2004) オレンジデイズ/Orange Days

更新:2023-06-20 11:06:56
年份: 2004  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:8.6分 / IMDB:8.4分
导演:生野慈朗 土井裕泰 今井夏木 
演员:妻夫木聪 柴崎幸 成宫宽贵 永山瑛太 白石美帆 小西真奈美 上野树里 柏原崇 
语言:Japanese Sign Language  日语  / 片长:

橙色岁月是一部剧情片,临近大学毕业,社会福利心理学专业的毕业生结成棹(妻夫木聪 饰)迟迟找不到理想的工作,看着周围的好友矢岛启太(瑛太 饰)和相田翔平(成宫宽贵 饰)都确定了自己将来要走的路,棹变得更加迷茫起来。就在这样的低谷期时,棹遇到了曾经的天才小提琴手,而现在失聪的悲剧少女萩尾纱绘(柴崎幸 饰)。棹被纱绘所吸引,帮助她走出阴影,让她重拾她所爱的音乐。而与此同时,棹自己也有了勇气和信心,拨开了前途的迷雾,找到了前进的方向。   这部剧以5个毕业生的故事,道出了从学生变成社会人的迷茫,描述了他们生活的状态,对待爱情的态度,还有对将来的彷徨。他们历经幸福,也体会伤痛,但回过头来,这是段无与伦比的橙色岁月。

Kai Yuuki (Satoshi Tsumabuki) is in his senior year at university studying social welfare psychology. At present, he is in the middle of job-hunting season. He is finding it difficult with no job offers so far. One day, he meets a girl who is playing violin in the campus. She is Sae Hagio (Kou Shibasaki). In marked contrast to her beautiful tone and attractive looks, her personality is somewhat impertinent. And to top it off, she communicates through very vulgar sign language. Four years ago, she lost the most important thing for a violinist - her hearing. As a result Sae closed off her inner self from the outside world. Kai finds himself on a date with Sae, in place of his best friend. Unexpectedly, he comes into contact with Sae's private side. Love, job-hunting, friendship... Setting a campus in spring as a dorama's backdrop, it's the start of a glittering youth drama.

一句话评论:活着,就要有接受生活变化的觉悟。这是我们的橙色岁月。爱是没有障碍的。有关青春。酸酸甜甜的日子。Orange Days。orange days。青春在风中飘扬。甘くてすっぱい。青春的日子。
