秘密(2013) 비밀/Secret Love

更新:2023-03-25 01:03:43
年份: 2013  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:爱情  / 豆瓣:8.2分 / IMDB:8.2分
演员:池晟 黄正音 李多熙 裴秀彬 
语言:韩语  / 片长:

秘密是一部爱情片,赵敏赫(池城 饰)是个出身显赫的富家公子,迫于家庭压力,他与女友智熙分手,与国会议员之女申世妍(李多喜 饰)订下政治婚姻,自此他便过着花天酒地的混账日子。在城市的另一端,姜友静(黄静茵 饰)过着与赵敏赫截然不同的生活,她忙碌充实,拼命打工,与交往七年的男朋友安度勋(裴秀彬 饰)即将步入婚姻殿堂。   本该不会有交集的四人,却因为一起车祸,他们的命运紧紧连接在一起。安度勋在一个雨天里意外撞死了一个人,而这个人正是赵敏赫心爱的女友智熙。为了安度勋的前程,友静替其顶罪,锒铛入狱。另一方面,因失去了深爱的人,赵敏赫发誓要用尽一切手段,向友静复仇。四名男女的虐恋故事,就此展开。

A devoted woman makes the ultimate sacrifice for her boyfriend, only to learn that love doesn't always conquer all. Yoo Jeong (Hwang Jeong Eum) is a sweet, upbeat person who has always stuck by her boyfriend, Ahn Do Hoon (Bae Soo Bin), all through school as he cared for a disabled father. But Do Hoon gets into a car accident that results in the death of a woman. Unable to face her boyfriend having to go to jail for a hit-and-run accident, the self-sacrificing Yoo Jeong takes the blame for the accident and serves time in prison in his place. Min Hyeok (Ji Sung), a cold-hearted heir to a business empire, had just begun to open his heart to a woman when she is killed in the hit-and-run accident. Years later, he is engaged to Shin Se Yeon (Lee Da Hee), a congressman's daughter. Can Yoo Jeong and Min Hyeok mend their wounded hearts and discover the real meaning of love?

一句话评论:对男人太愚忠,会有报应的。教科书级“虐恋情深” ——狗血也是血,强身又健脾。异军突起之黑马(至结局)。来聊聊最近正在追看的两部韩剧,《秘密》和《继承者们》。真心真意吐血推荐帖!!!!!!!!2013年度易错过的五星韩剧。想看活生生的霸道总裁爱上我吗,那就看秘密吧!。见鬼算什么,你见过开头几集就和不是男主的配角有孩子的剧情走向吗?!。是狗血还是教科书。中毒进行时——我的追剧日记。远离凤凰男。

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