四个月亮(2014) Cuatro lunas/Four Moons


四个月亮是一部剧情,同性片,发生在墨西哥、关于爱和认同的四个故事:11岁的小男孩想要表达对表哥的好感,哪怕这意味着受伤;声望卓著的祖父在浴室中对男妓追逐爱慕,恨不得补回失去的时光;一对童年好友久别重逢,情不自禁的爱上后却害怕曝光;一份安稳的感情关系开始面对七年之痒,哪怕他们依然深爱对方...... 当它们交织在一起,就是“四个月亮”。

Four stories about love and self-acceptance: An eleven year-old boy struggles to keep secret the attraction he feels towards his male cousin. Two former childhood friends reunite and start a relationship that gets complicated due to one of them's fear of getting caught. A gay long lasting relationship is in jeopardy when a third man comes along. An old family man is obsessed with a young male prostitute and tries to raise the money to afford the experience.

一句话评论:《四个月亮》:心动四重奏。剧情一般般,演员的脸和身材很值得看。《四个月亮》:哦,爱情!。实在令人惊喜。我知道你是谁,但是我依然爱你。最触动我心的一部同性电影。四个月亮。近人事,听天命。四个月亮:彷徨的性与爱。转自look boy。
