三毛流浪记(1949)/The Winter of Three Hairs / An Orphan on the Streets

更新:2024-01-21 04:01:38
年份: 1949  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 喜剧  / 豆瓣:8.3分 / IMDB:6.8分
导演:赵明 严恭 
演员:王龙基 关宏达 林榛 高依云 汪漪 
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:73

三毛流浪记是一部剧情,喜剧片,解放前的旧上海,大资本家、军阀、投机商人、洋人、流氓、骗子横行于世,他们过着养尊处优、挥金如土的腐败日子,而底层人民则穷苦不堪,生活艰辛。   大头、圆鼻子、三根头发、瘦小身材,这个外貌滑稽的男孩就是本片的主人公三毛(王龙基 饰)。三毛自幼失去父母,无依无靠的他终日在上海街头流浪,身无分文的他饿极了甚至吃刷广告的浆糊,困了就睡在垃圾车里。为了生存他送报纸、推黄包车、捡烟头,然而霉运却总尾随其后,所有的事都以失败告终。他好心做善事,反遭到诬陷和殴打。不过,生活在黑暗底层的三毛始终保持着诚实善良的性格,他从不愿为一口饭而沦为他人做恶的工具……   本片根据著名漫画家张乐平同名连环画改编。

Three Hairs was the name of a popular comic character, a street urchin with a bald head save for three thin stalks sticking straight up towards the sky. After a night on the streets, Three Hairs looks for work wherever he can get it; he polishes shoes, picks garbage and even sells newspapers, but finally decides to give up. He puts a "For Sale" sign on his back and goes looking for a buyer. The war had left literally millions of homeless children in China, and Three Hair's misadventures in the comics were widely read as a rebuke to government for their neglect of this problem.

一句话评论:来自导演的自传。谅解今天就别批判昨天。我和三毛一起长大。导演说。三毛流浪记1949。《三毛流浪记》。三毛流浪记 1949。重温儿时经典。旧社会。三毛流浪记 观后感。
