楢山节考(1958) 楢山節考/The Ballad of Narayama

更新:2022-03-26 04:03:57
年份: 1958  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:8.7分 / IMDB:8.0分
演员:田中绢代 高桥贞二 望月優子 市川团子 小笠原庆子 东野英治郎 宫口精二 伊藤雄之助 三津田健 鬼笑介 高木信夫 吉田兵次 
语言:日语  / 片长:98

楢山节考是一部剧情片,信浓有一座楢山,附近山村的人到了七十岁就得进楢山。六十九岁的阿玲(田中绢代 饰)还有两件事放不下:一是四十五岁的儿子辰平(高桥贞二 饰)去年成了鳏夫;二是长孙袈裟吉(市川团子 饰)总是在村里人面前嘲笑自己牢固的牙齿。一年一度的祭祀日,等来了新儿媳阿玉(望月优子 饰)的阿玲狠下心在石臼上磕掉了两颗门牙。割稻子的时节,袈裟吉将怀着身孕的阿松(小笠原庆子 饰)领进了家门,并催促祖母早点进山。与袈裟吉不同,善良的辰平舍不得母亲进山。可是面对人口增加食物不足的状况,辰平别无选择,只得遵照母亲的意愿,在新年之前将母亲背上楢山……

In Kabuki style, the film tells the story of a remote mountain village where the scarcity of food leads to a voluntary but socially-enforced policy in which relatives carry 70-year-old family members up Narayama mountain to die. Granny Orin is approaching 70, content to embrace her fate. Her widowed son Tatsuhei cannot bear losing his mother, even as she arranges his marriage to a widow his age. Her grandson Kesa, who's girlfriend is pregnant, is selfishly happy to see Orin die. Around them, a family of thieves are dealt with severely, and an old man, past 70, whose son has cast him out, scrounges for food. Will Orin's loving and accepting spirit teach and ennoble her family?

一句话评论:深泽七郎:楢山小调考。人性之外。楢山节考 the Ballad of Narayama, 1958。两相比较。饥饿,只是饥饿。两个版本的《楢山节考》是在讲同一个故事吗?。实验现实的伟大杰作。人间何处不楢山。不是什么影评 只是一份文化人类学作业。背老入山。
